Saturday, May 12, 2012

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Friday, April 21, 2006

Venessa performing in the Nutcracker Posted by Picasa

Jack at Karate Posted by Picasa

Nolan at Summer Camp Posted by Picasa

Father's Day Posted by Picasa

Kids playing with a cat Posted by Picasa

Venessa getting wet at Lagoon's Posted by Picasa

Nolan's First Day of Pre-school Posted by Picasa

Venessa and Jack going to School Posted by Picasa

Venessa, Jack, and Nolan at Halloween Posted by Picasa

Jack Climbing Posted by Picasa

Venessa Climbing Posted by Picasa

Playing Golf at Boondocks Posted by Picasa

Playing Golf Posted by Picasa

  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Venessa, Jack, and Nolan with Daddy

Venessa's Baptism Day

Halloween Time at Santa Clara

Easter Time

Venessa and Jack Hiking at Zions

Dinner at the Mayan Restaurant

Nolan at his Birthday Party

Venessa, Jack, and Nolan looking at Dinosaurs

Venessa, Jack, and Nolan at the Natural Museum of Life

Venessa getting ready for her Dance Recital

Venessa, Jack, and Nolan taking a rest

Venessa, Jack, and Nolan at Zion's National Park

Jack's Singing Performance